Mass Gain Pack (Oral 6 weeks) Dianabol + Protection + PCT BioTeq Labs


It should be noted that the Samarin is not included in this pack. However, we recommend that you buy from another warehouse. The Top team thanks you for your cooperation.

This complete Dianabol pack from BioTeq Labs is ideal for excellent mass gain. This pack is ideal for beginners who want to take the first step of an oral steroid cycle.



This oral pack for 6 weeks of complete cure will bring you:

  • Bulky but quality muscle mass.
  • Very hard muscles.
  • An increase in your incredible strength.
  • You will get quality muscle mass if you pay attention to your diet, high protein, no fat.

Frequency of taking steroids

For Dianabol:

  • Week 1 to 6: Take 40mg of Dianabol daily after meals. Example of taking: 1 Tab in the morning, 2 Tabs at noon and 1 Tab in the evening.

Taking the protections

A conscientious sportsman is a person who protects his health even if he wants to increase his sports performance.

To do this, just follow our instructions:

For Anazole:

    • Take every 2 days, 1 tablet of Anazole after the meal either in the morning, at noon or in the evening (as you wish).

For the Samarin:

  • Week 1 to 6: Take 3 Tabs of Samarin after meal. Example of taking: 1 Tab in the morning, 1 Tab at noon and 1 Tab in the evening: PRODUCT NOT INCLUDED IN THE PACK.

Raising and holding gains

  • At the end of your cure, so the day after the last steroid intake, take 50mg Clomid and 25mg Nolvadex per day after eating either (morning, noon or evening) for 20 days.


  • As you know, all injectable steroids can be mixed together in the same syringe (to reduce injections) except Winstrol which must be done separately.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol during your cure, drink plenty of water (minimum 3 liters per day) so that your kidneys work perfectly.
  • The remaining steroids and protections will be used for your next treatment (product storage for more than 2 years, protected from dust, light and humidity).

Product performance

Strength: Mass Gain: Fat/Water Loss: Side Effects: Gain Retention:

WeekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 1 40mg Dianabol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol3 Samarin 2 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol3 Samarin 3 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 4 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol 3 Samarin 5 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 6 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol 3 Samarin 40mg Dianabol1 Anastrozol 3 Samarin 7 to 9 50mg Clomid 25mg Nolvadex 50mg Clomid 25mg Nolvadex 50mg Clomid 25mg Nolvadex 50mg Clomid 25mg Nolvadex 50mg Clomid 25mg Nolvadex 50mg Clomid 25mg Nolvadex 50mg Clomid 25mg Nolvadex

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