Masteron E 200 Drostanolone Enanthate 200mg/ml 10ml vial Pharmaqo Labs


Masteron will provide a striated silhouette, thus drawing to perfection, the least of your muscles.


Masteron Enanthate from Pharmaqo Labs with delayed effect (= drostanolone) is a product for a cycle of gaining strength and muscle mass. It is used a lot in the drying cycle because it provides a streaky and skinned look.

By taking this product you will get:

  • A very significant increase in muscle mass.
  • An impressive increase in strength.

Masteron is a very good injectable steroid for strength gain and also to have round (bulky) and lean muscles.

In the context of mass gain, it combines very well with Dianabol or Anabol, Androlic, Testosterone or Nandrolone, Parabolan or Boldenone.

As part of a dry mass gain it combines very well with Winstrol, Primobolan or Primabolan, Clenbuterol, Cytomel.

This product is taken for a minimum of 8 weeks and a maximum of 12 weeks.

Dosage: 200-600 mg per week

Product performance

Strength: Mass Gain: Fat/Water Loss: Side Effects: Gain Retention:

Laboratory quality test


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